The Dream of a Federalist

On the picture we see a Federalist man sleeping and dreaming a wonderful dream.

The man has a smile on his face as he sees an ideal life in a dream. He sees how the people have united. They have forgotten about hostility, envy and have common, kind and happy thoughts.

There is no priest, peasant or a ruler, no workman and there are no Capitalists oppressing them. Justice has become equal for everyone. There are no various interests of the Dasi* members.

The lord, the peasant, the priest, the workman and the merchant sit together around one table and have a feast. Exactly this idyll we see in the background of the scene.

The priest doesn’t want "dram money"** anymore.

The lord doesn’t remember about the land tax, firewood, pastureland, hunting place and other things connected with earning the money.

The peasant has forgotten about his poverty.

The man is happy and sentimental about this story. At the end of his dream a workman even talks to him and tells that his attempts and work have finally achieved such happiness.

And while being sentimental, the man raised his hands, but the called breeze touched him and woke up. Thus, he saw the reality instead of his dream and now, with tears in his eyes, he wonders about the dream.

*We should assume that these refers to the Mesame Dasi - the first social-democratic party in the Caucasus, based in Tbilisi, Georgia. It was founded in 1892 by Egnate Ninoshvili and M. G. Tskhakaya as a literary-political group, and became affiliated with the international socialist-Marxist movement in 1893.

**Dram money - the church tax that was collected by the priests among their parish.

Image: The National Parliamentary Library of Georgia